If you’re a high school senior looking to capture the perfect moment before your big day, it’s time to start thinking about scheduling your senior session! While there’s no wrong time to get your photos taken, there are some factors you’ll want to consider when deciding when to book your session. Keep reading to see my best tips for when to schedule your senior session!

Think Ahead

First, consider when in the school year you’d like to get your photos taken. It’s best to have your photos taken at least two to three months before your graduation ceremony to ensure they’re ready in time. Depending on the photographer you choose, it can take anywhere from a week to a few months to get your edited photos back. If you're planning on printing your photos on graduation party invites or for decoration at your graduation party, you'll need to take that time into consideration.

Think About the Weather

Second, think about the season you’d like for your photos. Do you want to capture the colors of fall, the freshness of spring, or the warmth of summer? Depending on the look you’re going for, you’ll want to schedule your session accordingly. You can always ask your photographer which season they think is best for the photos you're wanting, and the best locations too!

Give Yourself Enough Time

Finally, make sure you plan enough time in advance to get ready for your photos. You’ll need time to get your outfit ready, find a hairstylist and makeup artist, and more. The more time you give yourself beforehand, the more you can relax and enjoy your session.

So, when to book your senior session? It’s up to you! As long as you plan ahead and take the right steps to ensure you’ll have a successful session, you can pick any time that works for you and your schedule.

At the end of the day, you want your senior photos to be a reflection of you and all that you’ve accomplished. So, don’t wait — start planning your session today!

Did these tips help? For more tips, click here. To book me for your couple session or big day click here!

Kind Words

"Oh my gosh, Taylor! I'm dying with every picture. I really love them. The photos talk by themselves!"

- Jennifer